7Jewelry brings Happiness

Jewelry brings  My father jokes that all ladies suffer from a condition known as jewelry. (He also readily admits to having a boating illness, but that’s another story.) Women, I believe, have jewelry REMEDY. I suppose he feels that everything that entails acquiring goods and/or

spending money regularly is a sickness, indicating something unpleasant. In truth, I believe these actions may be healing (and I know my dad would agree in terms of boating). The correct phrase is “remedy.” The remedy, not the illness, is jewelry. 

Jewelry brings Happiness

Jewelry and artifacts can heal and bring people together.

Jewelry brings


Don’t get me wrong… First and first, I believe that simply being alive and breathing gives us the potential to feel empowered, loved, and connected. It is sufficient to get grounded inside ourselves and see how we are related to everything via our essence and spirit.

Inner serenity, true love, and connection cannot be replaced by a material thing. However, I believe that tangible items, as well as loved ones and events, can transport us and remind us of that inner satisfaction. Jewelry brings 

Jewelry takes us to different times and places.

Jewelry brings


We are reminded of the sender when we receive a gift. When we have a particular piece of jewelry that was given to us by someone we care about, we think of that person every time we wear it or see it among our belongings.

All of the love and intimacy between the two of us comes back as we recall the time we received the artwork, what was said, and how we felt. Of course, jewelry cannot replace love, but it may serve as a powerful tangible reminder of that bond. Jewelry brings 

Jewelry brings us closer to others and invokes feelings of love and support.

Jewelry brings


Maybe you have a class ring that represents your bond with your classmates and alma mater. Although I did not receive a class ring, all of the women in my family wear the same basic band on their pinky fingers.

It’s a little love knot that my mother gave us to remind us of our family ties and the love that will always be there,no matter what happens. I think about my mother, sisters, in-laws, and nieces every time I tinker with my ring. It’s amazing how one small piece of gold can conjure up so much love and support daily. Jewelry brings 

We feel rejuvenated and appealing when we wear jewelry.

Jewelry brings


Sometimes we ladies simply feel unattractive. Alternatively, you might be overweight. Alternatively, it might be unattractive in other ways. Or maybe we’re just wary of how we appear. Jewelry (and shoes!) can make us feel beautiful once again.

When speaking affirmations to ourselves in the mirror isn’t working, looking presentable on the outside may often provide the boost we need to feel better on the inside. It’s a case of faking it until you make it; a small boost in confidence may help us reconnect with our inner badass.

Jewelry is both a reward and a source of empowerment.

Jewelry brings



Trophies are more than simply gilded statuettes. Jewelry is given to honor people’s accomplishments and to remind them of how powerful they are when it comes to perseverance and drive.

Graduations, job advancements, and other major achievements may be commemorated with jewelry, which serves as a constant reminder to be proud of our successes. We know we can do everything we set our minds to when we wear that jewelry.

Ancestors come to life via jewelry (in our hearts and minds).

Maybe you inherited your grandmother’s pearls or your great aunt’s wedding band. When a piece of jewelry is passed down through the generations, it brings with it the tales and feelings associated with our forefathers and mothers. Jewelry brings 

Repurposing inherited jewelry into new gems is a wonderful way to pay homage to the past while also giving it a more current appearance that fits your taste. The necklace may have a new appearance, but it still contains Grandma’s pearls, so you’ll be reminded of her every time you wear it. Jewelry brings 

Jewelry both heals and assists us in achieving our goals.

Natural elements, such as metals and gemstones, are thought to have healing qualities by many people. Anti-inflammatory, anti-aging, and relaxing properties are considered to be associated with gold. Silver is used to increasing strength and endurance, as well as to combat infection and illness. Jewelry brings 

On an emotional level, gemstones have long been considered to have tremendous potential to assist the user with a wide range of difficulties. Rose quartz is known for opening the heart to love and trust. Emeralds will assist you in being loyal, heart-centered, and making decisions based on love and compassion. Passion, confidence, adventure, and daring are all associated with rubies. 


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